Bonsai Tiger Bark
Rs. 210.00
Pot size: 5"
Genus Ficus |
Water Requirement Daily |
Flower Color N/A |
Fragrance Non Fragnant |
Flowering Season N/A |
Size Medium |
Ficus Microcarpa is a tree species which may grow into 20+ meters tall trees. Alternative names are Ficus Retusa, Ginsen ficus, Chinese Banyan, Malayan Banyan, Tigerbark Fig, Indian Laurel, Curtain fig and many more. A wide range of foliar varieties exist (Such as the Green Island fig), all of which are varieties of the same species: Ficus Microcarpa. One recognizes this tree by the leaves, which are ovate to round, glossy on one side, and slightly leathery. Trunks are smooth. the tigerbark variety has small black spots on the bark
India & China
Care Instructions
- Put the plant in a place that receives proper sunlight for the healthy growth of the plant especially morning and evening sunlight.
- These plants require well-drained soil rich in organic matter.
- Water a plant when the soil feels dry to touch. Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering for the winter & rainy season.
- You should remove dead, infected or damaged plant parts.
- You should prune and apply organic fertilizer.
- When a plant grows beyond its limit and pot size not providing enough space for the spread of roots, re-pot with fresh soil and some fertilizer.
- While re-potting, try not to disturb the roots. Avoid any drastic change in the provided environment otherwise, the plants may get stress/shock.
Bonsai Tiger Bark Plant Care
- Check the moisture in the soil before watering it.
- Poke your finger into the soil, if dry then apply water.
- Require natural direct light.
- Do not re-pot for min. 2 weeks after receiving it.
Sunlight | Full to partial Sunlight, bright indirect sunlight. |
Watering | Moderate |
Soil | Well-drained potting soil |
Temperature | 20 to 30 degree C |
Fertilizer | Liquid fertilizer |
Bonsai Tiger Bark Special Feature
Most ficus bonsai trees can produce aerial roots in their natural habitat, which are often presented in appealing bonsai creations with many aerial root pillars or root over rock styles. To enable aerial root growth in our homes a humidity of nearly 100% must be achieved artificially.